~Hmm..shall start from 16th Jan, had our Chem. Quiz but i tink it's nort really difficult yeah..cos i understand the subject marhs..as for the others..it's nort so lucky..LOLs.
Then...during PC period, went to 1t1's class...and the class went into total chaos!!Gosh!!~Still hasnt got the control over them man!
As for FE lessons, we had a great day today!Hahas..and at the end of the lesson, Mr tan J.k preformed a magic trick and after his performance, we applauded for him!And nort onli us, the Tanglin Sec's student next door also stood up and applauded for him!WootS!Love his magic tricks!LOLs:D
Whereas, as for ytd, had normal lessons and nth special happened..after sch, went for a short homec. meeting and Jayne and yiwen were chosen as the CM and ACM for Homec!Grats!!HAhas...happy for them yeah^^Then after our lunch, went to SCS with shaoyi to do some study group revisions..love the environment in SCS yeah...except for some distrubance from the music larhs..hahas..cant be avoided..:S..Ermm..yeahs..and on our way back, met Qiqi..so cute lorh!Hmm..shall bring u guys to the pictures first before i continue my grandmother's story~~LOLs:D
~As for today, i think today's the best and happiest day that i've ever had ever since sch reopens!Hahas..Cos during recess, standley made a joke out of what he's said..hmm..shouldnt put it like this..cos i was the one who thought another way round..sry..so pardon me for my polluted mind..LOL:D..but it's really funny larhs..shall not disclose what had actually happenned.Almost cried lorh..was eating my food then and i kept laughing and laughing until i cant continue my meal..LOLS:D!Then after sch, had AL meeting and had some discussions about the camp fire 08' and that sok kee and me were chosen as the game I/c..hahas...i'm still thinking of the games anw..brain blocked..then after that, we went home with sok kee and in the mid of going home, yiyue, yiwen and me decided to stay at the playground to have a little chat..but we felt that our bags were really a burden and so, we went home to put our bags aside and meet again.Kenneth joined us later on and we had a great chat!Hahas..hmm..shall end here..still niida upload more photos..and that i niida wake up early in the morning for tuition tmr!~Yawns..k..shall continue my post with pics!Enjoy!!~
Jayne..the secretary...:D
Discussion about the camp fire 08'...
The sisterly behaviour...
What'd yiyue heard?She's looking so stress..:(
My shoeS!~
Having a great time on the swing!Miss the time we had playing on the swings during our childhood years~
Kenneth looking at his keychain!~Glad that he like it!Hahas..
Yiyue's frowning again..aiyo~
The big boss!LOL:D.Cute girl!
The laughter in them^^
What bad weather is it...
Kenneth acting Dao~
met yong zhi...he really suit blue man!~
Words of the day:~Hehes..and today's the best day that i'd ever had since sch reopens!Thanks guys for all the jokes and encouragements!!!(:NIGHTS!!~^^(*&Thanks to nisa for being such a great photographer!!)
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