Yays!A great day in sch again!WOOTS!Love the time in sch man!Dunno why some people dun like going to sch yeah..cos my little cousins were complaining to me that sch's so boring and tiring..but i doubt so!Hahas..Having such great friends in sch, i have no time for bored-ness!Except for some occassionally left out moments larhs..but it's quite common for people like me to feel left out..hahas..cos sometimes when i'm talking to too many ppl, they ended up like so..u noe..was i weren't answering to their questions.SRY FRIENDS!I dun mean it!Ermm...as for today's lessons, had a great time laughing during physics class!It's always like this de lorh..always made us laugh till our stomach cramp!Nearly cried lorh!Laugh too much le!then, after sch,went for A-maths tuition with shaoyi..today's the first lesson btw yeah..and i'd left a very bad impression of the tutor..cos he's so damn rude lorh..eating and teaching at the same time!Aiyo~~Then i dun understand a single word of him!But nvm la...at least i can understand the main thing that i had to learn..hahas.except that i think he'd have to slow down a bit in his words..:XYawns...stress's been pressing me!I WANT SOME TIME TO RELAX!:DDDDD
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