~Yawns..tired le yeah..stressed and screwed up these few days yeahs..Can somebody help me in maths?!?!?!I'm really stress....but hope i can conquer the difficulties met!Yong Bu Fang Qi!!will never give up de..~JIA YOU!!Hahas..kaes..shall end my crappings here yeahs..ByeSss...reaLly had a great day today!WeEsSs!!:D
Polls!!..VoTe For It!!ThAnks^^(Quiz)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
LaSt PSL MeEtiNg Befo0re sEc 1's caMp fiRe aNd tHe laUgHteRs dUriNg FE~~(:
WooTs!Today was indeed a great day yeahs!But the bad thing was that i scored badly for my chinese papers..felt kindda stress these days yeahs..cos all my studies has been flung-ing and this brought my mood down but at times to come..i really thing that i have a whole load of awesome friends that always cheer and brings my mood up to the highest point..u guys really rawks kaes!And seriously..i nid someone to coach me in maths!Dunno why....but i jus cant cope with my maths..feel like crying yeahs..STRESS-ED..Must really JIA YOU yeahs!Dun onli say...Must Show..WITH ACTIONS!as for the PSL meeting with the class, i think the class has really put in their fullest effort and I'm proud of them!1T1 Rawks yeah!Those cheerleaders really lead the class very well..and of cos..thanks to miss ang too!(:ErmSss..for electronics lesson, today's lesson was pretty easy as i understood most of the theories..which was quite surprising ya..Lols..so i guess i'll have nort much difficulties with the hmwk..hahas..had a great time laughing and joking on the way home too(:Sighs..but for the Twinning Programme..i cant opt out cos mrs quek dun allow..so no choice..had to go..INJECTIONS!!!Hate it><..and so bad..stan cant make it for the TP..cos The teacher say a lot of the pupils have changed their mind and decided to go..sry stan..disappoint you:(...kaes..nvm..shall bring u guys to the pics now!Enjoy(:
Special DaysS of 3A!~
Rehearsing the dance steps!Weldone guys!hope the camp fire will be a success!(:
WootS!Nice CouplesS!~
Getting themselves prepared!
Our presentation(:
Mabel doing the project!Thanks lots!!(:
Hey thendral!
SmilExX!(:MiiEx and NabIlAh!~
MiiEx and Ja-ne~LOLs:)
1T2 and their PSL practicing their cheers!
The cheeky-ness within them~~
Laughing like mad!!:P
What's shaoyi doing?LOLx:D
The Ladies~OppS:X
Standley and Atiqah~
See?!Yiyue angry le la!
The cheeky them~
Friday, January 25, 2008
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO LIHAN aka. HYUN WOOG!!!~Hope you;ll have a sweet 17th birthday yeahs!Wahs..older than us le worhs..WootS!Anywaiis..hope u'll have a prosperous year a head yah and pass all your exams with flying colours!:))
As for today..was laughing like siao during recess larhs..cos of standley again..his action's really funny de lorhs..sometimes..i really cant take his jokes man!While we're eating..i cant even finish my meals yeah..cos i'm laughing and laughing away..but frankly speaking..i do enjoy the jokes though^^thanks stan.But pls dun do the action yeah..cos it's really er xin!LOL:D.Ahem~It may be because i have a polluted mind but this time round..i really cant blame myslef><..LOL:D..Kaes...shall continue our jokes on monday!LOVE YOU GUYS!!!<3<3<3!!~
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Declarations of O's Results 08'!!
WootS!This year's results were awesome yeahs..felt really happy for them!Grats to ying ying and cq too!Wahs..the top scholar in our sch had a score of i tink 4 points!!!Gosh!!!DAMN HAPPY!!!though i was nort the one getting the results, but dunno why..i jus felt the sudden joy in me^^WEeeSss!!!Hahas...nvm...shall show u the pics yeah(:And yeaps!Congrats to standley, sandra, wailing and friends for participating the Bin-designing compeitition!You guys really did a great job!!Envious over u all leh..LOL:D...Anywaiis..WELLDONE!!!:D
The pupils who'd brought glory to our sch!!~GraTs!!~
Interviewing in progress~~
Thendral and Yasmin hosting for the interview(:
The sec 4s getting their Os results!Gdluck!!~
Thendral, Sharmin and guys taking pics and video-ing ...
Discussions among them~~
More discussions and talks going on!~
The top few students who'd scored 5 distinction and above!GRATS!Envious yeahs..
My lunch..pathetic leh~~
The mess that i had~
Stan and co's Litter Free Bin!!!GOSH!!So DAMN NICE!!!~HOPE THEY'LL WIN!!(:GDLUCK!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
WwEeeSSS!!~Today was indeed a great day yeahs!Hahas..had great lessons, teachers and friends!~LOL:D…but dunno why lea..was in a really gd mood today^^And the best time that I had was during ELECTRONICS lesson!!!LOL:D..Yeaps..took the bus from school to Ngee ann poly and was late by 15 mins!Sry Mr tan!!We’re really sorry!!Shall leave the class much more earlier in order to leave a better impression to the lecturers ya!And yeahs..was joking and crapping on our way to Ngee ann…was singing great songs too!Thanks to Amanda!:)Then, had our hands on work on the resistors!Lurve the experiments yeah!but at times to come, I’m nort very sure with the stuff and tend to have itchy hands..SRY!Hahas..cos I very crabby de ma..always move here and there de..as if there’s thorns on my butt~Haiish..no choice><..then..after laboratory work and lessons, went to the com lab to do some teachings on the com lorhs..hahas..the pupils from Tanglin are damn funny de lorhs..kept taking and waving a paper writing ‘Do YOU UNDERSTAND>??’ and at last, their lecturer couldn’t stand them and confiscated the paper..LOL:DHilarious man!Yeaps..but that was nort the funniest part…Everything was so calm until we ended our lessons and on our way home…at the bus stop waiting for bus..a group of us (Yiwen ,yiyue, shaoyi, kris, standley, syaff, nisa, taufiq, isky, Sandra, wai ling, tien ying, jane, Amanda and me) witnessed a couple quarrelling and the cheeky syaff and standley was trying to act like them, imagining what they’re talking about..we’re all laughing like mad larhs!Eyes tearing le!LOLs..really lurve the time with them yeahs..despite of having to cry out of my joyous mood!(:..Hahas..KAes la…shall nort crap so much le..let me continue my post with Pictures!!!:DDDDHIGH!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
The chromatography..
Before putting it into the alcohol~^^
Hadi, nabilah and some blgps junior peeps!!~Lurve them!
Lining up before they get into the class..
Dividing the milk from Azaad~
Hadi's group discussing..and singing the lalala~ song..LOL:DCute seh~
The old sch's pics~
the milk boy?1that reminds me of a joke!
the students collecting their milk~
Milk time!!~Thanks to azaad yeah!
Azli taking pics again(*Sry..dun really noe the spelling of his name:X)
Hady's group turn..LOL:D
Hidayatul's group discussing~
The all-girls' group!
The girls' turn to show their gift in cheering!LOLs:DWell done!
Azli taking photo..
Lending their listening ears to the one speaking..dunno hu..LOL:D
The boys' turn^^
The cheering practice during the sec one PC lesson..
The two playful guys playiung a fool again?
Standley browsing the pics in yiwen's pics..^^
Resister placed on the breadboard~
The tools for measuring the resistance..
Us enjoying our break time!WEeeS!
Rawk-ing Fiq~
The Lab apparatus~
The lecture room!~Cool yeah!
The dont's!!
Prettaire syaff and syakinah(:
Grabbing for food!!~
Cheeky Syaff!!~
Shaoyi tidying herself^^Pretty seh~
The lockers!
Hamsome Isky!~
The Enthu. peeps!Can tell that they're enjoying the lessons!!~
Them at the corridoor..LOL:D
The Humorous ones~
The Tanglin student out for break~
Cutie shaoyi!!~PEACE!

The magical and wonderful thing within these cards..^^
Nisa's card~
Mr Tan's 24 hr supporter and fanclub for his magic shows!~
SmileS!!!(:(*Taken before lesson ends~)
Childish isky and fiq playing with the chairs..like what me and shaoyi did..:X..Oops!
The couple..LOL:D..
The bunch of blackSss...
Crossing the road..thanks for standley for the pic><
Cheeky standley and blur yiyue~LOL:D
Class end lerhs!!WootS!Will miss mr tan de!!:X
Thanks to ying ying for the Great stories during recess time which made my stomach cramp..LOL:DAi sii ni man le!!!<3<3<3<3!!!~~~~~~~~~~~nights!!(*lights>
Yiyue concentrating~
The TinaPro~
Funny syaqinah posing^^
~~:Oo..Yawns...tired lerhs...tmr still have to go for sch early in the morning..shall end my post here yeahs..LOL:D..still cant stop laughing...Thanks guys for all the great jokes!!!Especially, syaff, standley, nisa and yiwen!!!YOU GUYS RAWKS!And also
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- LifeofAJ
- ♥Felicia Ng A.J♥ 24 Feb:))♥ Currently pursuing my Degree♥ Love cute kiddos & pets♥ Been to many countries and have more to explore!♥ ♥ Thankful for all the nice people around me and would show appreciation in any way I can♥ Would love to share my travel experience!♥
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Blog Archive
- LaSt PSL MeEtiNg Befo0re sEc 1's caMp fiRe aNd tHe...
- Declarations of O's Results 08'!!
- The happenings since 16-18th Jan 08'
- CCA Open house 08'!!Gort 11 New members!WOOHSsss!~~
- ✖HaPpY 15th BirThday to KenNeth, Hyunho and MarDia...
- First Day of A-maths tuition!~Sighs..
- Painting @ Ah-gong's new house!!WOOTS!(:~
- Third day since School Reopens!!xD
- 'My first two days back to school!(:
MuSic Rocks My LyFe
作曲: 谢雪莉 | 作词: 吴雪仪
试著用e-mail 传达这情谊
超越了极限 到你身边
* 想要用简讯 传我的真心
是否也想对我说 爱你
% Oh 爱有甜甜的味道
Repeat * % %
Transpose up one key, repeat chorus 1 & 2.