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Party At CHC!!!CHANGS Rawks!!
Wo00osh!!~Hahas...went to CHC this morning with my cousin and some camping peeps!..Hahas..Had loads of fun yeahs!So early in the morning..met my cousin at her bus stop first and now...i shall declar the Ci Da0 Queen as JEANNE CHAN!!Really lorhs...everytime late de..haiish..must learn to be punctual le worhs~Then sorry to shaoyi!..Cos had to make her wait for so long~><...then after all the meetings with all the friends~we took the train to Expo together!Waited till 10am before the service starts and the CHANGS performance was awesome!.Hahas..then after the drama show, we had some carolling and then we're all given white candles and were asked to light them up!It's really a gorgeous and memorable sight yeahs!Will seriously remember the scene FOREVER!!Hahas..Zhen de shii SUPER NICE de lorhs!Then..after the service end, which is at around 12pm, we proceeded to the carnival at Hall 7 to have some food and yeahs..about the game stations, i tink it's nort really suitable for us yeahs:X..LOL:DAfter a while at the carnival, we decided to go to the marina square to have our lunchies!..hahas..had our lunch at one of these japanese fastfood..known as yoshinoya i guess..haahs..forgt lerhs:(..and shop a while then time to go home lerhs!Hahas!nice to meet Ching you and huining too!:))..Hmm...shall nort continue my crappings any further..enjoy the pics!!
The beautiful orange guitar ...
The pros making balloons...
Two busy ppl toking on the phone..
Them choosing their balloons ...
The two sotong~LOL:D
Dao-ing Jean~
The stalls~
The balloon-making stall!
Them admiring at the balloons..LOL:D
Chatting away~(:
Looking at their 'nice' pictures..jkjk:x~Ez-link derhs..
The prettaires!Huining, chingyou and jean!
Another three babe!~Sharon, michelle and melissa!
Pretty gals again~LOL:D..Shaoyi and sharon!
The candles..zhen ke xi~
The hall~
Our table!
HALL 7^^
Shy shy shaoyi~LOL:D
Us~~Qiaozhen, Catherine, Shaoyi, Me, sis, Huininh, Chingyou,Jean and ...
Besties forever!!
The white candle~Nice yeahs..
The choir!~
Lighting up the candles...damn nice lorhs!
Lighting up the whole hall!
~hmm..shall stop here yeahs..Hope everybody will have a great christmas this year!!(:A few more days onli!Hahas..looking forward to it yeahs!An early MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE OUT THERE^^
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