And yeahs..I'm back from my camppie(13th-15th Dec)!!!..Haiish..really miss the time during the camp yeahs...especially all the loving and friendly friends that i've met..not only that..miss Ninja too!!!!.NINJA RAWKS!!!:DD..hmm... and I think this is that most biggest camp group that I’ve ever seen, with a total of around 500+ people!...i think i shall start from the very first day of the camp early in the morning at around 6am..then, my sis and I went to meet jeanne at the void deck of her house and we walked to the shell petrol station to buy some snacks..WeeS..after that..wee went to took a cab to jurong east mrt station to meet zandy, stephany and michelle before proceeding to bishan!..Hahas...when we reached Bishan, there's like so many new faces! then..we met and were being introduced to each other yeahs..nice to meet you guys!..They really rawks them!..Haha!..Especially the lovely girls!.like what betty says..
>>>LOL:D..everybody's so bonding during the games yahs..should bring more friends to the camp if we're to go again next year(:And the most coincidental thing is that I met choon hui in the camp! qiao yeahs..Hmm...i think i shouldn't be so precise about all the stuff..hahs.lazy to type after the introduction and all..we went on to learn the icebreakers..and continue screams and more SCREAMING!! then..a lot of our team members were already suffering from sorethroats yeah..poorthem..take care yeahs..and hope their sorethroats are recovering^^..and here's one of our cheer!
whats up yo x2
ninja eh zah bor super chio
whats up yo x2
ninja eh tah bor on the go
whats up yo x2
yo ah yo ah yo ah yo x2
-diu diu diu diu diu diu-x2
xiang eh gin na pak buay douh(Leaders)
ninja gin na pak buay douh(Campers)
xiang eh gin na pak buay douh'' ''
ninja gin na pak buay douh'' ''
xiang eh gin na pak buay douh'' ''
ninja gin na pak..buay..douh!'' ''
ninja gin na pak buay douh(Campers)
xiang eh gin na pak buay douh'' ''
ninja gin na pak buay douh'' ''
xiang eh gin na pak buay douh'' ''
ninja gin na pak..buay..douh!'' ''
~And here goes another cheer...
Ninja Ichiban! Sat sat bo Chio Wu seh!!(x3..Getting Louder and louder each time) WOooOooooo..NINJA!!
>> on the first day...everything's like onli games and cheering lorhs..hahas..was nort really fun actually cos the whole group was like very clique-ish..hahas..everybody was going in cliques..then when we're having the station games...the worst thing that we've had is the fear factor station..hahas..for the first round..we've lose the game and was asked to eat the very GROSS thingy...the LOCUST!!Oh 10 of our group members have to eat the the sight of it..a lot of them ran 10 of the members went forward to eat!How brave they were!..Pei fu yeahs!...i wanted to try..but dun dare..cos the thought of putting it into my mouth make me feel like puking..hhas..and yeahs..we continued with the other stations like blind-walking, dog and bone using water bomb and etc..then..we had our meals..yeahs..speaking about it...i think the meals for our camp is considered quite gd lerhs..cos normally for camps...we wouldnt get to eat such good food..LOLs..i mean like i've went to so many adventurous camps and all..normally..we wouldnt get to eat to hao liao de larhs..except for sch camps..
Yummy lunch on the first day!
The excitement in her!LOL:D
The gross Fried LOCUST!
The secret in the bags..
Leaving the auditorium...
Jeanne and Zandy..SMILE:D
Waiting to get into the audi~
>>>So after dinner, we went for the sessions and preachings..and seriously..i really enjoyed the preachings..cos i tink the words from yi lun and and pastor zhuang's really very meaningful..Thanks loads!..and yeahs..then..after all the tiring activities..we had our night walk and was being blind folded and asked to walk,climb and roll here and there..omg..the 'terrorist' was so bad lorhs...then kept tickling us..michelle and me was like shouting like hell...Arhhh!..we were also being punished and were asked to do the situps lying on the so-called dirty ground..then roll here and there..omg!..was like rolling blindly..hmm..i tink that's all for Day 1..LOL:D..i think i'm really naggy type such a LONG~~. para for onli Day 1!..*faints*.
Arh!...i bet the person standing in front is having a serious headache!..LOL:D
Filling up the water bombs~
Our group members!
Us blowing the balloons!~
Walk walk walk~~Without stepping on the line..
Left right~Left right..following the one in front.LOL:D
Argh!~...we're splashed again!Haiish..stepped onto the line larhs!
Our group confsing the other..LOL:D...bad huh?
What a nice weather!~
Us listening to the instruction~
The Warrior!~
Them trying to get hold of the papaya 'skin'...LOL:D..
>>>As for Day 2, we have our breakfast and the devotion session with our teamates but besides that,we also get to play some games with our teammates and bond with them!Woohoo!~..hahas..then we continued with more games...haiish...cant rmb lerhs..cos was having lots of fun..hahas!But while we’re enjoying ourselves, gean was walking with her wobbly legs as she’s suffering from some serious gastrics after that, she was brought to the nearby clinic for further checkup..hope you’re recovering and feeling better now:) after dinner...we had our camp fire!!!WootS!!It really rawks man!..And we also have the Bbq at the side of the parade square..hahas..was actually thinking of inviting shaoyi to the campfire de but it'll be ending at around midnight so changed my mind..if nort shaoyi will be going home alone..and after all the celebration ends..we actually planned to bathe derhs...but when we get to the washing room...oh gosh!'s like so if they're queueing for 4D or we changed our mind and decided to stay at the parade square and chat till lights out.
It's going to rain~Oh gosh!
Getting ready with our water bombs...
Gathering the water bombs...
Setting up our territories...
The cloudy weather...
The chair that we'll nid to defend^^
Waiting for our enemies!!~LOL:D
Looking out~
Protecting our bao beii~hahas..
Preparing for the war game..
>>>hahas..i tink we're all missing sch too much and were chatting all about school stuff!..Hahas…but frankly speaking..i really miss all my beloved friends!!!And my schbags!!Hahas..then at around 1am++..we all had no choice but to go back into our bunks..Zzzzz…so there we are…all in our dreamlands..wakakas..but early in the around 6am++, we had to get out of our comfortable sleeping bags(*Though it’s nort really comfortable larhs=X)and prepare to go and wash ourselves up..and I was like trembling from head to toe by then..BLEBBB~~..then when I turned on the shower tap..i felt a sudden urge to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!..the water is so COLD!!! I was like bending down and trembling like hell..LOL:D..the situation is really funny yeahs..
Us playing the R.O.C.K yeahs..
Betty being sabo-ed again..poorthing..dancing her chicken dance..^^
Gean performing her muscle dance..LOL:D..The mocca ad.
Zandy's dirty feets..
The torn papers..haiish..
Twist!(From left, sharon, melissa, caleb*top, Michelle and bernard*bottom)
Michelle and bernard having Zi-pai..
ChEEZE!~(Amelia, Betty*Top, Cassandra and gean*Bottom)
Our laundry...
Getting into 'beds'...
Getting blind folded before the night walk..
Betty doing her forfeit with junjie..
Prettaire michelle cheeZing..
Washing up~
The drawings in the bunk..
Our slippers..
The scene across our bunk~
>>>So after dinner, we went for the sessions and preachings..and seriously..i really enjoyed the preachings..cos i tink the words from yi lun and and pastor zhuang's really very meaningful..Thanks loads!..and yeahs..then..after all the tiring activities..we had our night walk and was being blind folded and asked to walk,climb and roll here and there..omg..the 'terrorist' was so bad lorhs...then kept tickling us..michelle and me was like shouting like hell...Arhhh!..we were also being punished and were asked to do the situps lying on the so-called dirty ground..then roll here and there..omg!..was like rolling blindly..hmm..i tink that's all for Day 1..LOL:D..i think i'm really naggy type such a LONG~~. para for onli Day 1!..*faints*.
>>>As for Day 2, we have our breakfast and the devotion session with our teamates but besides that,we also get to play some games with our teammates and bond with them!Woohoo!~..hahas..then we continued with more games...haiish...cant rmb lerhs..cos was having lots of fun..hahas!But while we’re enjoying ourselves, gean was walking with her wobbly legs as she’s suffering from some serious gastrics after that, she was brought to the nearby clinic for further checkup..hope you’re recovering and feeling better now:) after dinner...we had our camp fire!!!WootS!!It really rawks man!..And we also have the Bbq at the side of the parade square..hahas..was actually thinking of inviting shaoyi to the campfire de but it'll be ending at around midnight so changed my mind..if nort shaoyi will be going home alone..and after all the celebration ends..we actually planned to bathe derhs...but when we get to the washing room...oh gosh!'s like so if they're queueing for 4D or we changed our mind and decided to stay at the parade square and chat till lights out.
>>>hahas..i tink we're all missing sch too much and were chatting all about school stuff!..Hahas…but frankly speaking..i really miss all my beloved friends!!!And my schbags!!Hahas..then at around 1am++..we all had no choice but to go back into our bunks..Zzzzz…so there we are…all in our dreamlands..wakakas..but early in the around 6am++, we had to get out of our comfortable sleeping bags(*Though it’s nort really comfortable larhs=X)and prepare to go and wash ourselves up..and I was like trembling from head to toe by then..BLEBBB~~..then when I turned on the shower tap..i felt a sudden urge to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!..the water is so COLD!!! I was like bending down and trembling like hell..LOL:D..the situation is really funny yeahs..
>>>And yeaps…after that, we went on to the breakfast..then..morning session..and finally…PRIZE PRESENTATION!!Everybody was like so damn excited! when the different prizes were given out, the respective groups(Yellow-Knights, Red-Warriors, Orange- Ninja!, Blue-Paladin and White-Priest)were cheering loudly for them!Woohoo!I really love the warriors’ cheers!..hahas..and finally..the second runner up and the champion were being announced!..WoOtS!!!..And guess what????..NINJA WON!!!And it’s the Best and Champion Group!!!Oh my!!!But really…I think ninja really deserved it!!Well done everybody!..And also to the other 4 groups..though you’ve not won but the most important thing is that everybody’d enjoyed themselves..right??..and yeahs…hmm…I shall nort NORT make this post too wordy I suppose.Let me bring u on to more picture yeahs!..Enjoy!!(:
Jeanne and Zandy enjoying their meals^^
Our lunch!~
In the auditorium~
Chiong arhs!~
Bishan St 13..this clue make us run almost the whole bishan st 13 man!When it's actually in the school itself..aiyo~~
Getting discourage~JIAYOU!!!
The Kuo Chuan Presbytherian School~Our campsite.
Running here and there...
Jacob looking for the clues..
St Bs750..what's that?
Jacob opening the clues..
Gathering for cheers!
Us gathering for the water games before it rains..
Our flags!
The NINJA cheering!
The canteen...
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