to blog again!Pardon me for nort blogging for quite a few days..cos i'm kept busy with my hols assignments and all...Haiish..that's the disadvantage of nort doing my hmwk yeahs..bad~~But no choice..has been too lazy~must kick this bad habit away asap!HAhas..and yeaps..left with 7 hrs and 9 mins to year 2008!!!And here..i shall conclude my year with one short line..cos time has been flying very VERY fast this year but i tink this year has been an awesome year matter if it's school or life-wise resolution/wish list for the new year of 2008 is to....
1)To try my best to Ace as many subject as i can><
2)To improve on my attitude and learn to relax myself more..=X
3)To get more new bags , shoes and clothes!(Not really neccessary larhs..dun waste $$)
4)To get scholarship!!
5)Stop wasting my parents' money on things that are nort needed.(In other words, be more sensible^^)
6)To make more new friends!!
7)To be able to have more determination and conquer difficulties met!
8)To make myself a better friend^^
9)To strive in my studies and erm..dunno lea.LOL:D
10)To achieve targets set within the year of 08'
11)To be a gd PSL!LOL:D
12)Hope all the ones around me will be healthy and happy:)
13)To find and know what true friends really means..
Umm...still thinking of the other man lai barhs!LOL:D early HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY!!& may you guys have a great and joyous life in 2008!JIAYOU!And best wishes!:)
Polls!!..VoTe For It!!ThAnks^^(Quiz)
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wo0sH!!~A few more minutes to CHRISTMAS!!Love Christmas most!Or rather the presents!LOL:D..Hmm..hope all my friends out there will all have their wishes come true!!& also thanks all friends for yur well wishes!!You guys too!~MERRY CHRISTMAS!!*Looking forward to this saturday's Party!!And To Yiyue!~HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU~Sry for nort giving yur birthday present on time:(

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Party At CHC!!!CHANGS Rawks!!
Wo00osh!!~Hahas...went to CHC this morning with my cousin and some camping peeps!..Hahas..Had loads of fun yeahs!So early in the morning..met my cousin at her bus stop first and now...i shall declar the Ci Da0 Queen as JEANNE CHAN!!Really lorhs...everytime late de..haiish..must learn to be punctual le worhs~Then sorry to shaoyi!..Cos had to make her wait for so long~><...then after all the meetings with all the friends~we took the train to Expo together!Waited till 10am before the service starts and the CHANGS performance was awesome!.Hahas..then after the drama show, we had some carolling and then we're all given white candles and were asked to light them up!It's really a gorgeous and memorable sight yeahs!Will seriously remember the scene FOREVER!!Hahas..Zhen de shii SUPER NICE de lorhs!Then..after the service end, which is at around 12pm, we proceeded to the carnival at Hall 7 to have some food and yeahs..about the game stations, i tink it's nort really suitable for us yeahs:X..LOL:DAfter a while at the carnival, we decided to go to the marina square to have our lunchies!..hahas..had our lunch at one of these japanese fastfood..known as yoshinoya i guess..haahs..forgt lerhs:(..and shop a while then time to go home lerhs!Hahas!nice to meet Ching you and huining too!:))..Hmm...shall nort continue my crappings any further..enjoy the pics!!
The beautiful orange guitar ...
The pros making balloons...
Two busy ppl toking on the phone..
Them choosing their balloons ...
The two sotong~LOL:D
Dao-ing Jean~
The stalls~
The balloon-making stall!
Them admiring at the balloons..LOL:D
Chatting away~(:
Looking at their 'nice' pictures..jkjk:x~Ez-link derhs..
The prettaires!Huining, chingyou and jean!
Another three babe!~Sharon, michelle and melissa!
Pretty gals again~LOL:D..Shaoyi and sharon!

Friday, December 21, 2007
WeEssSs~After the tiring sec 1 registration and AL meetings, i went straight home and heard my sis saying that she wanted to go for a swim so we asked cousin yongzhi to join us there~Hahas...the sun was like damn scorching and hot yeahs..burning like hell..but i'm lucky enough as my sunburn was nort very serious..hahas..hmm i guess i shouldnt continue with my typings and bring u guys further on to the pictures!HAahs..had a great day today!!:))
What a great weather we have yeahs!
Sis and cousin yongzhi playing around at the baby pool..hahas..
Sis smiling away as she bumped onto the ground~
The compeitition pool~
Do not try to have any dirty thought arhs?!..Hahas..
Sec 1 registration!!~
Yeahs...went for the Sec 1 registration today for ushering..hahas..and i find it really tough sometimes as you're doing the ushering yeahs..cos when u're leading the parents and students to the right direction, some of them are really nice and they'll smile back to you and greet you too^^As for another group of them, they'll jus complain and complain..which i dunno why ..cos they kept asking why our school gort onli 2 express classes and say how bad our sch reputation was, which was nort really true if onli our school gort gangsters..hmm..but i cant blame them too yeahs..cos i understand that a lot of the parents have been hearing all the rumours saying that our school gort a lot of bad companies and so on..hmm..but i can tell the parents that if your children are those with a firm integrity and will nort be eaily influenced by those who're around them..then rest assure.but i believe that the teachers in our school are really great and approachable.If your child appear to have any problems in school, do feel free and approach the teachers and seniors for help^^..but frankly speaking, i think this year's students are quite friendly and polite so i believe that there wouldnt be any big problems from them...hope so yeah..LOL:D..then, quite a few of the parents approached us, the usher to ask this and that, such as whr are the book shops and the profile of our school.hahas..and the most embarrasing thing is that I FORGOT OUR VICE PRINCIPLE'S SIR NAME!!Gosh..I'm damn ps lorhs..cos when the parent ask me about the vice principle's full name, i was like 'Mrs tonnine...tonine...'..i'm seriously sorry about that i tried my best to answer the questions prompted by the parents and tell the truth larhs.LOL:D..then some of the parents changed their mind and allow their children to stay in hkss!Welcome!!Hahas..And i think all the Councillor and those who've helped out during the sec 1's registration day did an awesome job!!Hahas...hmm..shall show u the pics now yeahs!..And an early Merry Christmas to everybody!!:))
Amanda selling the books and yongyun resting^^Xin ku ni men le~(*And pardon me for the blur pics yeahs..having some probs with the cam.)
Amanda calculating the total amount to be paid.
the calculator that yiwen's using~
The table where the sec 1 get their files and booklet~
Getting into the hall~
the sec 1's on their way to the bookshop~
The board whr the sec 1 get to know which class they're in..
Yiwen selling the books~
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A trip to The Popular Book Festival 07'
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