Hmm...talking about friendship..i was wondering what it is yeah..and i asked some of my friends and they told me that there're no such things as true friendship in the world..everybody is a back stabber and all the so-called friends will never be with you and treat u at the best conditions forever..i wonder when can i even find a true friendship??? And what's exactly a true friend.I can say that i have a lot of friends but can i make them the best of friends and have their friendship as true ones.i doubt i cant find the answer.I seriously hope that everybody'd treasure all your friends around you and never take them for granted.If u want a true friend, first, be a true friend to your friends around you.I'll remember that^^hahahs..But i tink friends sometimes do have conflicts larhs..understand each other and give them a helping hand when they nid help..By doing'll be one of the true friends to the others^^

You are my best friend
You always will be
Yet sometimes I get mad at you
And you get mad at me
Sometimes I don't understand
Sometimes I don't know what to do
But remember always
That I will forgive you
Friends Forever!
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