Polls!!..VoTe For It!!ThAnks^^(Quiz)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Back to Blgps and Cross-Country @ Hkss!

Woke up early in the morning and as usual, met yiwen and yiyue at the bus stop and went to school...after that, a group of us went to give out cookies to the teachers and at about 7pm, we gathered at the quadrangle to prepare for the cross country. i was damn nervous lor...dunno why, whenever i was about to run, i'll get very nervous..but i dun care much^^..hahas...so we jogged all the way and reached the finishing point..though it was very tiring, but it was also very shiok-ing..=PThe upper sec waiting fer their turn to start the run!victor pro larhs...gort the second(if i'm nort wrong) fer the lower sec boys..and he was like...HIGH! Victor trying to be a merlion?!Boys gathering..Hello Caiyun!No caption~LOL..See how wet hyunho is!><When we've finished running...The field~Caiyun and yiyue..u two seems very tired lea...hao hao xiu xi ba^^~Farrell and Victor!The threesome!Smile:)Cheese!Kim and her friend^^ Siian~Victor!Siao lor...ran the second round still can run so fast..hahas...PRO-NESS!The art-piece on Victor and Farrell's Back...Nice lea..^^Nice pose Gary!LoL...Pro Larhs...First..Hahas..Auntie Jasmine's nort bad too^^ Gathering at the quadrangle again...awaiting fer the prize presentation..JAYNE!..u rawks yeah..so pro...gort second!OMG~

After the cross country, We went back to blgps to wish our ex-teachers a happy teachers' day and also to meet out with our long lose friend..Friends gathering ma..hahas..Miss all of you yeah!^^They Rawks too!
I tink we're like weirdos lea...cos the first place that we went in blgps was actually the TOILET!!LOL:DSo we contacted some of our friends asking whether they're coming..Our long lost toilet~~The lane of memories....really miss the time we spent there...omg..~sobs...Zahirah and cynthia...miss u loads!!And other friends too!everybody was like going back to the time where we're still together...and we chatted like..so..hmm...very LONG~
~:)Then when most of our friends came...daniel suggested that we could have a game of truth or dare..hahas..everybody was like so mao dun...dunno whether if they should playpr nort but in the end..everybody played..david damn suay de lor...the bottle liked him too much..hahas..~no choice~samantha brought her steady to sch so he also joined in ..and when the bottle stopped at his direction...davy and david pranked him...ask him to kiss samantha..they two very li siao lor..hahas...but after a few rounds, david wanted to end the game and tried to influence the rest to quit the game so his plan was successful larhs..everybody quitted and we decided to leave the school together..On our way back home~Really missed the time that we jus had...hope the time can stopped at that particular moment..^^Laugh like siao~


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