~And yeahs...Speaking about the movie, ' Ah Long PTE LTD'...I really REALLY think it's a great movie that everybody shouldnt miss!We laughed from the very first min...nono..is the very First SECOND!hahas..LOL!The movie is so DAMN FUNNY!Especially Mark Lee's Language..OMG!Though he speaks like an ah gua..but i think he's really done a great job for this movie!Hahas..and nort forgetting Fann wong's Awesome acting skills too!There's this particular part where Mark lee accidently dropped a gun into his pants and the traid members are trying attack him...so fann wong was like trying to hold the gun through his pants and he say:'Hey..take the one that's made of metal yeah..nort the meatty one...'OMG!Upon this words...Ying ying, shaoyi and me was like laughing like mad!!!!Besides this..there's still many other parts which made us laugh till~~~~Like the part where mark lee behave like a lion...dancing away..LOLs..In conclusion..i'd just hope that everybody will go and have a trial on this movie and laugh their hearts out!Enjoy!!!!:DD
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