~Yawns..niida go and start packing the luggages le..leaving on monday..4.30am..Sobs~~~Will miss all my friends LOTS!Especially Yiwen, Yiyue, Ying ying, Standley,Shaoyi, Jayne, Nisa, Kris, Atiqah and Sherman!~Hahas..I think u guys will be really bored yeahs!MiissEs!!!~:DDDDD
Polls!!..VoTe For It!!ThAnks^^(Quiz)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Preparation For India!!~:D
~~~Sobs..will be leaving for india on monday..niida wake up early in the morning..sighs..wont be able to enjoy the jokes with my besties for 10 full days!Wo Huii Xiiang Nii men De!!!!XD..Yeahs...was practising vigorously for these few days yeahs but my worries is on my study!Would i be able to catch up with my work???Hey friends..do Teach me!Hahas..Cos' I'm a slow learner yeahs..LOL:D..must save money le..cos i'll be buying lots of stuff back!Hahas..Hope i can buy enuf to give them to my friends and family!Hahas..hmms..shall share the pics with u guys yeahs!Enjoy!!~Niida go and pack my luggages soon~~:D (**Will be back in S'pore on 13th march..at around 9am!)Hahas...shall try to contact my friends when i reach there!XD
Us Practising the Dancesteps..><
The Indian Dance Programme!~
Yeeshuen and Hanlin Really make great dancers!
The Twining TeEsS!Nice seh!Espcially the yellow one!
The three girls sitting under the scorching sun..wonder why should they do that..LOL:D
Us waiting for the rehearsal to get started..
Getting our Twiinning TeeSs..
Pack pack pack..
Carrying the tees for the teacher..
Hehes...stan dun dare to fact the camera:P
Finding the Emergency exit?Here it is!Run straight to it^^
Love and friendship...Make great Friends!WeeeSss!
Having chemistry between them?!LOL:DYiwen cant tahan le..
What a nice weather it is..:D
The skit that they're performing...well done guys!
' Electronical' Taufiq~
The cute Bus driver that we met..LOL:D
Cute effect..
The threesome cum besties!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
✖HapPy 15th Birthday To Caiyun!
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Great Time indeeD!!:P
~WeESs...Went for study group today after school!Hahas...was having a great time there!LOLs:D..With all the jokes yeahs..though some of them were rreally gross!LOL:D..Hmms..sorry..wouldnt have much time left so shall jus post some pics taken today!And yeaps...cut my fringe and hair short ytd!Omg...birthday niida change image yeahs..but kinnda regret cutting it..LOL:D..hmms..and here it goes..PICCIES TIME XDDDDDDDAnd yeahs..Thanks all Friends for the Blessings and presents today!
Cute effects with a cute puppy!~
The 'discharge'...Erks..
Haiyo..poor shaoyi..sleepy lerhs..
gift from Atiqah..Thanks!~
The Naphathlane Experiment..
Shy shy~Shaoyi..
Doing study group..
Shaoyi's Chockie tongue><
Ying ying sms-ing who arhs??
Happy Birthday To myself!
Gift from kenneth...Thanks!
The baby and the adult..LOL:D
After eight from sherman and kris..Thanks lots!Love it!
The 'milk shake' from yeeshuen..Thanks!
~Hahs..thanks lots for all the gifts yeahs..hahas..love them lots!And had a great time today too!Hahas..shall end here now yeahs..niida be back to my hmwk lers...:DDD
Sunday, February 24, 2008
✖HaPpy 15th BirThday To DannY!My Twin Bro huh!!~

Hey There!
Yo Danny!Wishing u a prosperous and sweet 15th Birthday..that goes to me too!:P...And yeahs..hope you've enjoyed yourself to the fullest during the game!Must laugh more!Always so cool de!Dun act like Rain yeahs...though u resembles him in some ways:X..hahas...kaes...Once again...HAPPY 15th Birthday to you and may all your wishes come true!!XD
I'm 15!!!!WOOTS!
Kaes..Shall Thank...First of all...Mr Ngiow, Danny!Cos we'd a great party ytd..and without these two VIP...i guess the party wouldnt be of such success!WootS!Happy XX Birthday to both of them!And then..hmms..i shall nort type their name in any special order..hahas..jus type in the way where the time they wished me barhs!..LOLs..Cleon!..Junjie!(*both of them.For the long long counting down too..LOL)...Standley, Karen, Danny, Ying ying, Zahirah, Jayne,Yiyue, Yiwen, Shaoyi, Kristabel, Syaff, Jeanne, Atiqah, Chonghui, Ailin , Nisa and Last of all..SIVAM!..Thanks for all the long long msges from my dearest friends..especially sivam's, jayne's, mr.ngiow's and Zahirah!!Aii Sii Ni Men le!Wanna Give Them a Big Friendly Hug!!!no worries...I'll keep all the msges de^^And laminate it kaes!LOLx:D..And yeahs..thanks for the cake too!Hope everyone'd enjoy the great time spent yesterday!Especially during the MRT game time!Laugh like mad!Yeahs..Felt Really happy this year..And thanks to some of them for the presents too!XD

Saturday, February 23, 2008
✖HaPPy XX BirThday To Mr Ngiow!!XD

Hey there!Mr.Ngiow!Wishing you a HapPy XX Birthday!Shan't Reveal your age!:X..But You're Still looking young and Handsome...no worries:D..Hahas...anywaiis..Hope you've enjoyed yourself today and Have a great time with all your family and friends!!!Once again..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Stay Handsome!!:DDDD
An Awesome Party and yet Another movie!!
~WeEs...woke up early in the morning and went over to shaoyi house to start the very first preparation for Mr.Ngiow's Party!WoOts!HapPy XX Birthday to Mr Ngiow...Had a great time at shaoyi's house but felt very paiseh to make her so ma fan..cos we've make a mess in her house..SORRY SHAOYI!..then after all the cleaning up, we decided to watch the movie..'Ah Long Pte Ltd'...which we didnt watch the previous time.During the mid of celebration, i had to leave for school for the twinning briefing...so they others continued with the fun anf jokes!Hope everybody's enjoy the day!And now..u shall enjoy the pictures taken!!Thanks for all the laughters and jokes brought!
My rupee!!!
All the ingredients...
Having our breakfast~~
Ying ying searching the net for e-cards designs..
Getting the seafood and meat cleaned...
setting the table up~
The cake bought!
What's kris trying to do???Hmm...
Ying ying Cleaning the Squid..
What's Mr tan doing?Reading the papers...and us..Helping out..Bad arhs..LOL:D..jkjk..he did help out!
Shaoyi posing...waiting for mr ngiow's arrival...shou suan le rte?LOL:D
And here's Mr ngiow!MUSIC!!~
Trying to get the poppers working..LOL:D
The lovies!
DA JIA CHI!!!~YUm yum!!~
The two handsomes...
Mr Ngiow Taking the picture of the cake to upload it on his face book(:
Happy Birthday Mr Ngiow..Hope u like this cake..though it's a bit Pinkish..
Family Photo?!
Happy Birthday to Us!LOL:D..From left..Me, Danny and Mr Ngiow!!:D:D:D
Mr Ngiow posing..Hahas:P
The leftover cake..:P
Them enjoying the cake...while i make me leave...hahas..:D
Kana using the com^^
We're far too bored..so we decided to check the fate between our friends...and we found out that the higher percentage u have with a person..the lesser possibility of u two being together..arent it interesting?..LOL:D..Yiwen and hyunho has 98% of fate!LOL:D
The same goes to yiwen^^
The two guy playing with the com..
Us enjoying our meal..
Ying ying playing on the piano...nice music yeah!
Me and Kris,,SMILE!:D
Danny shuffling the cards!
3...2...1..Cards out!!~
Ying ying gortta have all the cards!Poorthing..but i'm worst..
Shaoyi's cheekmunk wanna join in?!
Guai guai orh...
Arh arh arh....who arhs?LOL:D..forgt the stations le...playing the MRT game...I'm DOVER LA!
Pushing the cards into the bunch...
Cards out!
The Cheong Sam that Mrs quek bought...Thanks lots...but i dun look very well in it><
WeesS!!~I'm 15 le!Hahas..Thanks All for the Well wishes yeahs!
Ah Long Pte Ltd Rawks to the core..Must Watch!!

~And yeahs...Speaking about the movie, ' Ah Long PTE LTD'...I really REALLY think it's a great movie that everybody shouldnt miss!We laughed from the very first min...nono..is the very First SECOND!hahas..LOL!The movie is so DAMN FUNNY!Especially Mark Lee's Language..OMG!Though he speaks like an ah gua..but i think he's really done a great job for this movie!Hahas..and nort forgetting Fann wong's Awesome acting skills too!There's this particular part where Mark lee accidently dropped a gun into his pants and the traid members are trying attack him...so fann wong was like trying to hold the gun through his pants and he say:'Hey..take the one that's made of metal yeah..nort the meatty one...'OMG!Upon this words...Ying ying, shaoyi and me was like laughing like mad!!!!Besides this..there's still many other parts which made us laugh till~~~~Like the part where mark lee behave like a lion...dancing away..LOLs..In conclusion..i'd just hope that everybody will go and have a trial on this movie and laugh their hearts out!Enjoy!!!!:DD
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