Todae is really a tiring and yet Great day for everybody...Early in the morning at 6.30,i meet yi wen and yi yue at the bus-stop near my hse and we went to have breakfast before going to sch...but i tink we were quite early so there was nt much ppl in the sch except for the npcc members..kris looked realli awesome in her np uniform...lols...huihui too^^hahas..back to the topic...after quite a while,we decided to wait outside the homec. room for mdm anita and mrs pada.when they arrived,we went into the homec. room and started preparing for the day. We are divided into different groups for the distributing of fliers, the food and the writing of the new homec. members' name.Five of us, yiyin, jayne, yi yue, yi wen and i volunteered to distribute the fliers.It was rather fun larhs...lolx...we were like going around the sch pasting all kinds of poster done by us earlier on and distributing the fliers to the parents of the sec one pupils.It was quite sad when we see some of our fliers being thrown into the bins or crashed in some of the parents' hands...~sob..but nvm..we should nv give up and put in our very best to get as many members as possible^^I oso took quite a number of pictures of some of my friends in different CCAs..Oh ya...the most memorable things in today's CCA open hse was the performance put up by the Military was damn good man..omg...i really WAN TO JOIN...but too bad..the schdule for the band was too long and i was worried for my ability on my coping of sch work so i decided nt to join...but seriously...Military band...yur performance was really awesome! are the photos that i wanna share wif u guys,.......
The npcc Marching...hahas...looks like an arrow...or rather it's an"' are the photos that i wanna share wif u guys,.......
The NCC booth... 
The NCC green..camouflagedAnd this is our dear mdm anita...Hello!
***I tink i should end my post here...hope u guys would enjoy reading this post and photos...^^
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