Really had a great day today !!~Hahas..went for tuition in the afternoon and later in the evening, went for my cousin's wedding!!~Met my cousin under her block and board the bus provided by one of the bus company of cos(*crap)..enjoyed the wedding dinner..hahas..nort forgetting to congrats them(Shuhua-jie and my cousin!) yeah!~It has been a long time since i went for my last wedding dinner..hahas..i think i'd better stop my crapping here ya..let's enjoy the pics.^^(Note to Qi Ting:I'll blog the pics that are nort blurred..or in good condition i should sae..hahas..!XD)

In the afternoon...all the relatives went to my cousin's hse for the tea session...dunno what's the right description for that and here are the pics where everybody's enjoying their buffet!!~
Kaijun seems to be having some difficulties scooping the fried rice..LOL:D
Shuhua and cousin han cheah preparing to 'jin cha'...
Jeanne's and my sis's shadow!
The two bowls of tang yuan...symbolises unity(*tuan yuan)
carrying them to the room~
Jeanne serving the tang yuan to the couple..Shuhua's so gorgeous!!
Yongzhi's playing matches!!
Yilin's playing too~
Hey...what's shuting doing?Why're u covering yur eyes?LOL:D
Lo0k who's behind the bench?
Shadows...from left..jeanne, yilin,shuting and shiying...How dare ping ren!!~Them serving the tea to their grandmother..and grandfather...
Paying respect to their ancestor...
Serving the tea to their mother-in-law and father-in-law~
Now it's cousin han liang's turn to serve the tea to the couple..hahas..
Waiting for the bus to come...finally..we're on our way to the wedding dinner!!~
Ping ren's sis...pretty huh?!
Shy shy ping ren~
Wonder what's ping ren's sis..(if i'm nort wrong...her name is jiayi..)..pointing at...
Poor kaijun...i guess he must be very tired...=O
Finally...we reached the restaurant at harbour city!!Ping ren's posing for a pic again..LOL:D