Polls!!..VoTe For It!!ThAnks^^(Quiz)
Monday, April 30, 2007
~sigh..hope i can pass..mAths Test!!
Had my maths test today...omg...so nervous sia...i think too stress...was trembling while i was doing my papers...lol...left quite a lot of questions half blanked...luckily...the graph..~phew...lol....cos i'm able to solve the simultaneous question using the graph...lol...finally...cos my graph sux like hell..dun understand the topic...but okay la...at least i noe which topics are my weaknesses...hahas...gtta go nw....jus nw went to yiwen hse...the baby damn cute lor...qiqi...hahas...hve fun playing with her...then did some revisions with yiyue.but halfway done...the baby woke up...so play with her lor...lol...yiwen too tired le...so went to have a nap...hahas...then we go disturb her...very bad hor...hahas...hmm...really nidda go le...bye...post if i have the time!!...JIA YOU!!...gd luck and best wishes to all my friends out dere
Friday, April 27, 2007
Rotting blog...MYE coming...DIE!!!
~Choy...Die wad die...lol...=S...but talking about MYE...i'm really very worried....feeling damn stress for the past few days..~sigh...just started my revision two days ago...hope i can get my desired results...Sorry my dear blog...long time nv post liaos...exclude the one for the class...cos that's an announcement...lol..~yahoo!!...looking forward to the class outing at sentosa....and another thing...thanks everybody for tagging my tagbox....trying to find out who is anonynous...hmm....have a feeling that it's a prank from one of my friends out there...cos they very bad de...lol...no offence....btw...i won't bring myself to much attention abt those -.-"' lame ppl...cos they jus dun show their true self...if u wanna tag ppl's blog, can u guys please kindly name yurself...and nt trying to name yurself as anonynous...i truly have no clue/idea of who u are kaes...lol...anywaiis..jus wanna give my greatest best wishes to all my beloved friends out there...be it if they are my classmates for schoolmates....JIA YOU ALL THE WAY!!!!....hahas...end my post here....nth special happened this week...had quite a fun time...lol...treaure the time that we(the class and friends) had together....kk....done nw...Bye!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
PoLling and Voting...
Hey Guys....i've started a new colomn for discussion and polling....pls leave msg of who u r....if nt..i'll nt be able to know who've voted...thanks guys and hope that what we've always wanted will come true!!...hahas...Take cares!! Good luck and Best wishes to all my friends out there for all the up coming exams!!Especially for yur mid year!!^^
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What a Fun Day At the Gym!!
Went for tuition in the afternoon with yiwen and yiyue..lol...mr william was really a comedian...made us laugh like hell...everybody was wondering what it would be like if jayne was present...lol...cos mr william shown us some very funny pictures on pirates and some of them were really making us going onto the wrong track...haahs...the track which would lead us into dirty thoughts...lol...then after tuition...went to the gym in the jurong west sports recreation centre...meet yiwen's bro at the bus stop...sry jian hong....i can see that u are quite dissapointed...but nvm la...after yur birthday then we go there together again kaes..^^...had a lot of fun in the gym...lol...although everyone was sweating all over...hmm...then after that...went to find jian hong...cos he went downstairs without telling us where he was going...found him at the stadium..lol...watching soccer...after that...went to (ri ben cun)japanese village...dunno what's the actual name of the restaurant...spent almost $50 there...hahas...and we had our full...the ice-cream there was awesome..lol...tried two of the ice-creams...hope we have another chance to go there together...too bad...haven got the pictures from kristabel...but seriously...i really had a very fun and memorable day yesterday..thanks guys..hahas...hope we can go there together and asked more of our friends there..the more the merrier ma...lol...realy hope that i can find my swimming costume...~sigh...3/4 months nv go swimming liaos...seriously hope that i can go swimming asap!!!...hmm...better end my post nw...i think i've wrote enough...dun u think so??...lol...kk...end here...BYE!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Some Interesting Survey that i come Across...
Hmm...Came across this interesting survey in one of my friend's blog...it's coprighted yeah...lol...but i'm so bad..stoled the copyright from my friend...lol...hmm...jus wanna share something with u guys...feel free to try it if u're free...!!
Who is your bestfriend?
Hmm...a lot lea...hahs...yiwen, kristabel, yiyue, Jayne, yiyin, shao yi, ying ying,Clara,yee shuen, jane, sok kee, xinyi, huihui, atiqah, Khairunnisa,for boiis...they're sherman, farrell , Hyunho, Khairul nd some of my primary school's friends!!Beside all these ppl..anyone who get along with me are my besties.....lol...too much liaos larhs...
Who is your form teacher?
Mrs Wee..
Who are you thinking of now?
Hmm...not too sure...jus concentrating on blogging nw...hahs..
Who would you want to be with now?
FRIENDS!!!..hahas...not any particular person=X
Who do you support for American Idol 6?
I dun watch american idol...sry='(
Who do you want to be?
I jus wanna be myself...the uniquely me...lol...=P
What is your name?
Felicia ng A J
What is your height and weight?
153cm(shorties yeah!lolx) 45kg(so heavy...)
What do you do for a living?
I dun work ...lol..but i'm currently studying^^
What kind of house do you live in?
4-room flat..lol...jus nice and i do not need to do too much of cleaning...~lazy...
What is your favourite colour?
Blue, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Black....
What do you do when you are angry?
Hmm...try to calm myself down by breathing in and out...would blog the incident if i think it's alright to do so..=P(would try to find someone who would lend me a ear...are u the one??)
Why do you think you are unique?
Hmm...because everybody is unique in some ways...and i shall be unique in some ways too...^^
Why do you think you have time to do this survey?
Because i felt like doing it and i find this survey interesting...
Why did you join Friendster?
Because i want to keep in contact with all my friends out there and make more new friends!!
When were you born?
24th Feb 1993(gimme presents??)
When did you started schooling?
If i'm nt wrong, i tink is 3/4...nursery...
When did you last cry?
Not long before...when i was sad...and today...i cried again...~sob...
When did you say "I love you"?
Hmm...not too sure...i'm those who seldom sae these mashy stuffs..
When is the next holiday?
June!!(hope i can go out with my friends for a memorable outings)
Where do you stay?
Some where in Singapore!!
Where do you go to school?
Previously in blgps but currently in hkss...
Where do you hang out after school?
Straight home i guess..but hang out with my friends sometimes...
Where do you study?
School, Home sweet home, library and anywhere that brings me to the mood of studying=P
Where is the best place to be?
A restaurant...home..a place where i can get together with my love and dearest ones...(friends and families...)
Who is your bestfriend?
Hmm...a lot lea...hahs...yiwen, kristabel, yiyue, Jayne, yiyin, shao yi, ying ying,Clara,yee shuen, jane, sok kee, xinyi, huihui, atiqah, Khairunnisa,for boiis...they're sherman, farrell , Hyunho, Khairul nd some of my primary school's friends!!Beside all these ppl..anyone who get along with me are my besties.....lol...too much liaos larhs...
Who is your form teacher?
Mrs Wee..
Who are you thinking of now?
Hmm...not too sure...jus concentrating on blogging nw...hahs..
Who would you want to be with now?
FRIENDS!!!..hahas...not any particular person=X
Who do you support for American Idol 6?
I dun watch american idol...sry='(
Who do you want to be?
I jus wanna be myself...the uniquely me...lol...=P
What is your name?
Felicia ng A J
What is your height and weight?
153cm(shorties yeah!lolx) 45kg(so heavy...)
What do you do for a living?
I dun work ...lol..but i'm currently studying^^
What kind of house do you live in?
4-room flat..lol...jus nice and i do not need to do too much of cleaning...~lazy...
What is your favourite colour?
Blue, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Black....
What do you do when you are angry?
Hmm...try to calm myself down by breathing in and out...would blog the incident if i think it's alright to do so..=P(would try to find someone who would lend me a ear...are u the one??)
Why do you think you are unique?
Hmm...because everybody is unique in some ways...and i shall be unique in some ways too...^^
Why do you think you have time to do this survey?
Because i felt like doing it and i find this survey interesting...
Why did you join Friendster?
Because i want to keep in contact with all my friends out there and make more new friends!!
When were you born?
24th Feb 1993(gimme presents??)
When did you started schooling?
If i'm nt wrong, i tink is 3/4...nursery...
When did you last cry?
Not long before...when i was sad...and today...i cried again...~sob...
When did you say "I love you"?
Hmm...not too sure...i'm those who seldom sae these mashy stuffs..
When is the next holiday?
June!!(hope i can go out with my friends for a memorable outings)
Where do you stay?
Some where in Singapore!!
Where do you go to school?
Previously in blgps but currently in hkss...
Where do you hang out after school?
Straight home i guess..but hang out with my friends sometimes...
Where do you study?
School, Home sweet home, library and anywhere that brings me to the mood of studying=P
Where is the best place to be?
A restaurant...home..a place where i can get together with my love and dearest ones...(friends and families...)
~sob...wad a careless me!!Thanks friends for yur concern!!!
~sob...cried today...cos of my carelessness....hurt my lips during P.E lessons today and got back my chinese marks...felt both happy and sad...gt 80 for my chinese and happy for all my friends too...lol...sherman pro liao lor...improved so much...must jia you worhs...from borderline to 63...gd gd...hahas...hmm...back to the topic...played handball again during P.E lessons...then had quite a lot of fun until......i tink abt 9.40am++when eveybody was trying to get the ball from kris's hand...yazid tried but he accidently knocked onto my lips and one of the metal went out of place and poked into my lips...omg...that was really a excruciating pain...but at first i didn't cry....until mr.ng approached me....dunno why...i jus can control my tears....so they rolled down my cheeks...the mr.ng scare ppl wan lor....sae that is i nid to go to the dentist...maybe nidda do operation...diao-.-"'....without much effort after that...i finally get my lips out of the metal...really had to thank for all my friend's concern...u guys are my true friends indeed!!...special thanks to Kristabel,Jayne, Yiwen, Yiyin, Yiyue, Shaoyi and ClaRa!!!....Thanks Guys!!...hope there's nth serious at it...dun feel like going to the dentist....call dr ong afterward barhs...hmm..then during english class...miss wong came to take a short video of us on the topic of (handling no)...then clara...thendral and hyunho was chosen to present their incident on this topic...hyunho's story wa super duper funny lor...he said that he once like a girl in america when he was in grade 4...then one day..he decided to express his love for her...too bad...she said no...so hyunho was so sad that he even wanted to commit suicide...lol...then everybody was like woo-ing...ahahas...had a great day despite of the injuries in my mouth...lol....better end my post here nw....nidda go and change my wax liaos...buh-bye!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hmm...let's throw all the unhappiness away and get HIGH!!!
hmm...dun wanna chat abt those childish things liaos...let's get high and change all the unhappiness into the happy ones...lol..continue with ytd's post...cos ytd...no time to post...after sch...went straight to yiwen's hse...lol...actually wanna go and revise de...but then...we onli did like for abt 20 minutes then dun have mood liaos...lol...so started chatting and gossiping away....gals jus enjoy doing that....nt as those like toking abt bargains or wad...but nonsense...lol...chat for quite a while then jian hong, yiwen's bro...quite cute la...went in and asked me some questions...lol..some of them are really really lame de lor...but then nvm la...we had a gd time laughing at them...nt long after that..we started toking abt a advertisement which made us laughing like hell and made yiwen and i cry...LOL...jian hong keep making that action...omg...shi super xiang de lor...hmm...let's talk abt today instead...had a maths quiz...okay la...nt very difficult...onli 3/4 questions nia...then after sch...went for cca...made an interesting cookie...lol...let me show u the picture...
Yummy Yummy Wheel Cookies!!it looks so-so but it tastes alright...hahas...the final product after all the hard work of yiyin, reon, yu xuan(did i spell it correctly?), xinni, yang xin and myself!!...hahas...
Another picture of it...but this look....(speechless~)=X
hmm...had a fun time doing it...but too bad...cant gib u guys the recipes...lol...tag me if u want it!!...i dun think anyone would want it...lol...lazy to do....hmm...hope i can get my chinese papers back asap!!!....~humph...mrs wee lor...so bad..nv bring the results to class...go take the wrong one..~sigh...gtg nw liaos....chat nxt time yeah!....Feel so happy today!!..my mood really switch very fast...hahas...kk...end here nw...buh-bye!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
What is Frienship???What's my Hates???
I was wondering for the past few days...what's the proper definition for the word 'Friendship'...and who are the true friends that we can trust...are they really the ones that we call them friends?or do i even have what we call friends??~sigh...questions and problems start to disturb my life again...lol...but sometimes...some of my friends are really....hmm...oso dunno how to sae...but some of them are really good and reliable...hahas...and these are the friends who i enjoy being with...hmm...next...let's talk abt my hates....same like all of u...i hates betrayer...hahas....and some of my friends like to sae bad comments...which really hurt people a lot...and i must really tell u...the one who's reading this.. if u sae that u dun like something...or do something....DUN DO IT!!!...if not...it'll be like what all the people out dere who are saying 'say people, say yourself !'as if u are very good(rmb...nobody is perfect...kays..as if u r..)~sigh...why must human be born this way...having all the hatred in our heart and mind...dunno who to blame...lol...hmm...anywaiis...jus hope that i can treasure all my friendships and my friends would do the same!!Rmb!!...Dun be -Sarcastic....-Smart Aleck...and when u do not know about something...don't act as if u noe...and when u r nt very pretty...dun sae or comment that some body is ugly...really dunno what this ppl r thinking...dun have friends...go and find one la...haiyo...know that u r nt very popular...act like u want others' sympathy...i dunno why...i jus dun like these ppl..cannot sae hate...cos these feelings are like clouds...come and go...they won't stay long and make u feel miserable...but i hope i can cure and avoid them...and also hope that everybody will learn wat's self-reflection when they know that something's going wrong and find a way to solve them...nth much to sae...today no mood...~sigh...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Chinese Test!!..Cham.Cham..Cham!!!
Chinese test today...so difficult lor...~sigh...hope can get the results that i've always wanted...~sigh...but nvm la...it's over le...dun cry over spilt milk...lol...too bad i nort crying...hmm...let's talk abt other things...erm..in the morning...nth special happen...mdm tan was nort in sch so the class was like a chaos..then this mr shawn ho...tried his best to guide the class in the new topic...but it seems like onli a few of the students is listening to him...thinking back of that...i think we're really rude to him...lol...hmm...then in maths class...i was like falling asleep...cos my eyelids were too heavy liaos...maybe i slept too late ytd...all because of my braces...went for tightening ytd...changed into blue and green...lol...the colour looked a bit weird though...but i think it's quite nice larhs...then it made me ache for the whole night...i mean the braces la...hmm...back to the topic...after recess...we had english..hmm..i dun think anytink interesting of that...hahas...then we had chinese class...what i've said...we had the class test...omg..i was ''scratching'' my head through the test lor...cos i dun really understand the passage...next...we had our geography test...so surprised..cos none of us knew that mrs indra was absent from sch...then again...the same scene..lol...CHAOS...everybody was taking out their phones...MP3...MP4..PSP...etc...then our group was chit chatting happily away abt nonsensical things...lol...and singing...hmm...nth much to sae le...then after sch...we had our maths remedial then went to the kfc for lunch with yiwen and yiyue after that...better get going now...still got loads of things to do...lol...kays...Buh-Bye!!
So sian...any how post a picture ba...lol...kk...end here!!

So sian...any how post a picture ba...lol...kk...end here!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
14th Anniversary SpeEch DaY!!
Hey guys...back to blogging again...hahas..hmm...felt quite tiring today...cos nidda wake up early in the morning...sigh...but i nearly overslept..meet yiwen and yiyue at the bus stop...same old thing happened...hahs...then reached sch at abt 7.31am ...quite early larhs..hmm..nth much to talk abt...but something really funny happened today...after the chinese dancers had finished their performance, they proceeded to the humanities room...but on their way there...one of the ncc boiis...if i did not remembered wrongly..i tink his name is gerald...called the chinese dancers frogs...which made them angry...one of the dancers went to tell their teacher in charge and at the very next minute...gerald was brought into the room...the atmosphere was damn funny...he was then asked to apologised to the gals one by one...poortink..hahs...then he said sry..but the gals thought that that was nt enough he should appologised and said that he was wrong upon saying that they looked like frogs...it's truly sarcastic of him...and most of them thought that he looked more like a frog...lols...everybody was laughing their heads off...LOL..too bad...i dun really noe how to post videos on the blog...so i cant share the video with u guys..it's a reall funny sight to see that everybody started to take out their phones and cameras..getting ready to take the videos of him appologising...but i dun think he felt at the very least of embarrassment...he was really a potential of being a clown man...hmm...it's an extrmely long story if i would tell the whole situation...u'll sleep...Zzz...hmm..let me show some pictures that i took today and let the pictures tell u...(**pictures tell a thousand words...=P)
Early in the morning when all the prizes were laid out on the beautiful blue table^^
harmonica performance...lol...sry..the pic is quite blur..but this is jus a rehearsal..when the guest of honour haven't arrived...
Trying to take nisa's beautiful face...but she dun wan..lol...she's pretty tis way too!
All the class raps have arrived...peeping behind at the back stage...=X
Sandra doing her hair in the toilet of the back stage..
Groups of ncc, npcc, gb, bb and ncdcc cadets marching out of the foyer after the performance at the quadriangal(**sry...dunno how to spell)
The chinese Dancers in the humanities room...
Lining up for the apology...
Three mei nu showing their graceful pose..XD
Hey gals...cheeZe...hahas...another pic of them!
Joining them in the pic...i look really sucky...and extra...lol...but they look awesome!!
Jane and miie...oh my...blur again...hahas...no choice..=P
The two graceful dancers posing for us again...thanks ya...btw...nice pose...=D
Qianru and jane...=P
yeeshuen and her fren...^^
Finally....the speech day ended...went home with yiwen and kris...after we had our lunch at mac...smile...kris turning back for the picture...hahs!Hmm...better end my blogging nw...omg...so long sia...making ppl dozing off...lol...anywaiis..jus hope that u would enjoy the pic....Buh-Bye!!~yawn...blogging for an hour plus...hand numb le...the uploading of pics are so So slow...kk...gtta go nw..BYE and niteZzz...
The chinese dancers..omg...my photography skills sux like hell...should ask tiqah to take for me=P...but seriously...chinese dance performers...u guys have really done very well!!
Some indian Dancers waiting outside the hall...
some of the teachers rushing and helping in and out of the hall..thanks chers..if nt for them..we might not be able to have such successful speech day!
Huihui stucking her tougue out...lol...tiring huh...xin ku ni men le....hahas...thanks for this pic...btw...what are u pointing at??
yeeshuen and mabel...u two looked really gorgeous and pretty..same for all the dancers behind ya!!hahas...hope u guys dun mind me posting yur pics...but u really look awesome!!(**if u do mind...please cum and tell me...so as to delete all the unwanted pics...kays?)
The Malay dances...like what i say...my phtography skills sux...=(
The group of pretty ladies..hahas...
Dance performers heading to humanities room...
some ncc boiis slacking away...i tink they are getting tired....poortink...
sian until nth to do...go and take the picture of the sch...
Jane and miie...oh my...blur again...hahas...no choice..=P
Friday, April 13, 2007
hmm..jus finish doing some interesting quiz...hahs...quite interesting larhs...it's about some common stuff like life, palm lines and yur character...lol...sent one of them to all my friends out dere...hmm...today...nth special...got home from sch at abt 6pm then went to the food court to buy my dinner and also bought sivam's present...cos today her bdae...then i dunno..HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY SIVAM!!! ...hahas...then came home so late cos of the rain...so heavy sia..lol...stayed in sch with kris, sandra and hui hui...really nidda thanks huihui...for accompanying me home...^^...hahas...cos actually went home with kris de...but then she went home with jj...lol...dun wanna be dian deng pao....(extra..)...then walked to the bus stop with hui hui...oh ya...back to the topic...we stayed in the school to do all the maths hmwk..~sob...kris, sandra and hui hui so poortink...nidda do english correction...100 times per word...omg...if it's me...sure die...hand numbed sia...then i doing the maths hmwk alone lor..hahas...so cheemed...i mean so difficult larhs...then keep bothering they all...cos i dunno how to do ma...then nidda ma fan they all...sry guys...heart bitter you guys....(xin ku ni man le)...hahas....-.-...i noe i very lame-.-"'...hmmm...better get going le....if not no time to wrap sivam present...hahas..=X...kk...buh-BYE!!...and have a good weekend...~sigh..still nidda go for speech day tomorrow...
Monday, April 9, 2007
Fun time being together...^^
hmm...jus gt home from sch..late rte...cos we nidda do some preparation for our dear indian pupils who's from far india..hahas..really nice to meet them...met them on our way hme..lol..it's like the whole full bus filled with all the indian pupils...and mrs Quek i finally back...but nv went forward to talk to her..~tsk...hmm...here are some photos which i wanna share...
Some of our homec pupils...and our dear ms aisha...
Our group pic ...
Our dear mdm anita marinating the chickens...lol...

Another one...
A final one...but too bad...it's a bit blurred...nvm^^

Siti washing the chickens...thanks for all the hard work...hmm...also hope to thank our dear kharunnisa(**which is nt in the homec club..)but she realli did put in the most effort...thanks khairunnisa...siti...atiqah and company..THANKS A LOT!!!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Finally..I got my new sport shoe!!
Hmm...as usual..wake up in the morning but today i tink i was too tired and that today is a holiday so i overslept..lol...woke up at around 11.55am...lol...late rte..i'm really a 'good' sleeper..lol..then in the afternoon..after doing my tuition hmwk and my music project...went to the temple with my parents...dunno what's so special abt today...there's so-SO many people squeezing and pushing into the temple...then after that..went to the market near bugis to have my dinner...hmm...then went to the queensway shopping centre to do some window shopping cos heard that there's quite a variety of sports equipments and things that relate to sports...after going into a few shops...spotted a shoe that caught my eyes...bought it...but damn ex sia...it costs a hundred over..but nvm la...my father is paying for it..lol...i very bad rte..then went to buy sometink back hme...reached hme in a blink of an eye...hmm...Let me show u the pair of shoe that i've bought...
(The nike shoes that i've just bought..so ex sia..$160++..Heart ache..)
(another pic of it...jus lurve it!!)i tink i should end my post here...nth more to rte...kk...buh-bye and have a gdnite sleep...-.-..=P
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Happy Daiis...Same old Daiis...
Hmm...it's quite long since i post my last post...have nth much to sae...jus gt my maths paper ytd..~sob...gt damn low marks...16/25...B3...omg...better jia you nw...3 more weeks to the mid year exam...hope can score better...then had the science test ytd too...hmm...quite easy...since i've studied and prepared for it...hahas..hmm...nth special happened today...wake up...go to sch wif yiwen and yiyue...chat chat chat....gather for assembly...study...study...class...class...(~yawn..)the same old thing is repeating and repeating again and again days after days...wonder when can we have a fun and memorable lessons...lol...but it's quite nice to be able to study and chit chat with my group of friends...then today mdm teo was nt in sch...so we had this relief teacher...quite pretty...was an ex hkss pupils..lol...hmm..wanna take a look at some pics.since i dunno what's more to sae...
NeoPrints Gallery...lol
In the outer space....Lol...
Neoprints again...hahas...
Hmm...better end here nw...nidda finish miio music project and my revision before six...gtta go nw..BYE!!

a neoprint taken wif miio cousins...hahas...no pics to upload ma...(psps...the pic quite blur..)
The lovely couple...lol...jeanne and shi ying...jkjk...

Neoprints again...hahas...
Hmm...better end here nw...nidda finish miio music project and my revision before six...gtta go nw..BYE!!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
IT's Really a Great sHow...Entertaining Ya..
Hmm...watched Mr. Bean's holiday on friday...omg...it's really a funny show...like what everybody said...went with yiwen's family and my sis...i was like laughing like hell...then yiwen and a boy in the cinema was too high...lol...both of them was laughing quite loudly...lol..but they indeed brought the atmosphere up to the highest level...hope i can watch the show again..hahas...but it's sort of heart ache too...cos nidda spend a lot of money...pocket po dong liaos...but okay la...once in a while...if nt sure 'paul chan'...haha...singlish yeah...no la...it means bankrupt...'po chan'...hahas...nt funny...i noe..-.-"'hmm..nth much to say..better end here ya...continue my blogging nxt week...Buh-bye and have a nice week end!!
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